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What is Surveying?

  • 3 min read

What is Surveying Surveying, an ancient practice, has shaped civilizations and continues to be vital in modern times. From establishing the boundaries of kingdoms and making the construction of miracles possible, to forming the basis of modern urbanism and infrastructure. From the pyramids of Egypt to the impressive skylines of today, behind every great construction is surveyors with precision instruments… Continue readingWhat is Surveying?

What types of land surveying techniques exists?

  • 3 min read

What Types of Land Surveying exists? When starting a new project, understanding the terrain is often the key to success. Whether it’s a construction project, a real estate development, or an environmental conservation initiative, the foundation of success lies in precise and comprehensive surveying. Within the world of surveying, various methodologies are employed, each vital for diverse projects, possibly including… Continue readingWhat types of land surveying techniques exists?

How can you determine the property boundary?

  • 4 min read

Determining the exact location of your property boundary is important for every landowner. Knowing where your property begins and ends is not only important for maintaining good relationships with your neighbors, but also for correctly carrying out renovations, plantings, or other modifications to your land. In this article, we delve deep into the world of property boundaries. We explain what… Continue readingHow can you determine the property boundary?

WANTED! Marketeer / Marketing specialist

  • 2 min read

marXact is een scale-up in Hilversum. Wij houden ons bezig met de ontwikkeling van GPS-meetapparatuur, bijbehorende software en de verkoop ervan aan een brede en wereldwijde doelgroep, van aannemers, tuinontwerpers tot festival organisatoren en bedrijven actief in explosieven opsporing. Wij hebben een eigen GPS-ontvanger en meetsoftware ontwikkeld. Het bedrijf heeft een sterke focus op ontwikkeling en innovatie; en dingen anders… Continue readingWANTED! Marketeer / Marketing specialist

Feature Friday – UNI-Cloud Survey projects essentials for your experience

  • 4 min read

We have made it our mission to make digital surveying available to every field worker out there. To create the best possible personalized surveying experience for all of them, with handy tips and tricks, connections with other apps or software, and new feature releases frequently. We’re going to combine these releases and updates and how they’ll improve your digital surveying… Continue readingFeature Friday – UNI-Cloud Survey projects essentials for your experience

UNI-GR1 on a survey pole close-up

Greenpoint & marXact

  • 2 min read

Greenpoint is an online platform for managing the outdoor space. Companies, municipalities, and contractors can get data about objects in the outdoor area with their software. Greenpoint ables you to record the information and access it very easy in map images that provide visual recognition. With the BOR-solution you can collect and manage all your data. It’s a BOR system… Continue readingGreenpoint & marXact

UNI-GR1 in a suitcase

TCPGPS by Aplitop & marXact

  • 2 min read

Aplitop is a company that is specialized in the design and programming of technical applications for Civil Engineering and Surveying. They have developed a broad variety of solutions for field surveying and working with stake-outs. They’ve also developed CAD-based software for civil projects and special applications for point-clouds, tunnels, and photogrammetry. A fundamental aspect of their program design process is ensuring… Continue readingTCPGPS by Aplitop & marXact

MyCumulus & marXact

  • 2 min read

Mycumulus is a cloud-based service that has been released by ADW software. MyCumulus is a combination of an app, a website, and utilities. Users can create their projects, create forms, collect or update data on android devices. They can view this data on the MyCumulus website. The application allows users to measure positions and those measurements are processed directly in… Continue readingMyCumulus & marXact

Heijmans logo

Heijmans goes UNI!

  • 2 min read

Measuring while the ground is still open and having anyone in your team measure the work. It’s what the infra and construction world is screaming for and with the UNI-GR1; Heijmans is able to do it! And who better to tell you how they do it, than the lead surveyor himself? Check out the video; Heijmans chooses software that fits… Continue readingHeijmans goes UNI!

geolinq logo

GeolinQ & UNI-Cloud

  • 2 min read

GeolinQ is a no-code, web-based, software solution to collect, link and publish spatial data in an efficient and flexible way. Almost any application varying from managing data, doing inspections, data warehousing, reporting, map portals, data delivery validated to formal standards etc. can be configured in GeolinQ without any programming. Data from various sources are linked by data models and is immediately… Continue readingGeolinQ & UNI-Cloud


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