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We have made it our mission to make digital surveying available to every field worker out there. To create the best possible personalized surveying experience for all of them, with handy tips and tricks, connections with other apps or software, and new feature releases frequently.

We’re going to combine these releases and updates and how they’ll improve your digital surveying experience in monthly updates: these Feature Friday blogs. This blog is dedicated to some exciting new features that are coming your way shortly and bigger projects we have started working on. In this edition, we’ll highlight new import/export functionalities, go over some new UNI-Cloud survey projects essentials that allow you to benefit from a smoother user experience, and talk about your overall surveying experience.

UNI-Cloud survey project essentials
The survey project essentials are a collcetion of new features and possibilities that are coming your way shortly. Basically, they allow you to use the UNI-Cloud just like you use UNI-Connect on a day-to-day basis. Some of the new survey project essentials are:

  • – Show object information in the survey sidebar in the UNI-Cloud 

  • – Make points/shapes clickable in the UNI-Cloud 

  • – Turning labels on and off 

  • – Delete individual objects in the objects overview and 

  • – Change selected object layers and/or layer attributes 


Additional import/exports functionalities
The import/export of several file extensions is an ongoing process, as we extend the number of possibilities you have. We will announce other new features in future Feature Friday blogs, but for now

  • Delete error exports from the export overview 
  • The completion of sending DXF exports over email 
  • And all of that while benefiting from a more smooth user experience

UNI-Cloud user experience 
As you (probably) know by now, we want to provide you with the ultimate digital surveying experience. Not only with centimetre accurate data, but with a smooth and user-friendly experience. Over the last couple of weeks, we have spent time improving your UNI-Cloud user experience due to new features such as the addition of a sidebar, a common theme and style for UNI-Cloud and UNI-Connect, and several buttons..

API GeoJSON for external integrations

We have completed the API GeoJSON recently. This means that files in the GeoJSON format, an open standard file format for representing map data, can be imported and exported in other software (applications) easily. Basically, this allows you to synchronize your work between your GIS database and the UNI-Cloud. This improves surveying experiences for those that, for example, choose to use the UNI-GR1 with a GIS application that specializes in their respective field.   

UNI-Collect preparations 
As we have mentioned in previous Feature Friday blogs, a survey app is coming up. UNI-Collect will be its name and our development teams is preparing its creation behind the scenes already. We will keep you updated in future editions, but just know that updates on all of our endeavours comes in due time. For now, a little preview of it process. 

What steps do you need to take?
Not a lot, if we are completely honest with you. All updates are done automatically and while you are out surveying in the field or preparing tasks in the office. You might need to turn your UNI-GR1 off and on again, but only when the update stops unexpectedly. After turning it on again, you are good to go. 
More releases coming up
We have more releases coming up this year, including new coordinate systems for centimetre accurate points in other countries, new layer functionalities, expanding the Dutch KLIC viewer possibilities by adding codes via UNI-Connect for digital surveying, and an easy to use CAD drawing tool in the UNI-Cloud. More on this in future Feature Friday blogs! 

 So make sure you come back to to read all about our upcoming features and updates and get the most out of your UNI-Solutions! 



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Project Sample Download

Please fill in your details and click send to be redirected to the download page of the AutoCAD Drawing, CSV File or PDF Report example of your survey data.