This article has been published (in Dutch) by Vakbeurs Openbare Ruimte – Brussels in February 2022. The Vakbeurs Openbare Ruimte is an event designed for the government and all organizations who participate in creating the Belgian public domain.
The public domain is the space we all use. The roads we use to get to and from home, the bike paths where children learn to ride a bike, and the public parks where friends come together. To design, organize, and manage this living environment, you need to use current and accurate data. As of right now, it is possible that you collect this yourself due to digital surveying!
Mapping the public domain
Pleasant use of the public domain depends on the design chosen and the use of maintenance. To perform those two as well as possible, you depend on accurate information. Building or improving infrastructure, placing waste bins for recycling, or indicating the precise location of newly planted trees all becomes easier when the necessary information is surveyed directly by fieldworkers. They can do that in points, lines, or polygons.
Getting started by yourself
marXact offers organizations that work in the public domain the opportunity to get started with their digital receiver. The UNI-GR1 is a GNSS receiver that uses satellite signals to enable users to mark centimetre accurate points, lines, and polygons on a digital map. This up-to-date and accurate information makes it possible to map out the public living environment and to make plans for, among other things, (re)designs.
With the UNI-Complete package, of which the UNI-GR1 is a part, measurements can be taken on location while an overhaul is carried out in the office directly. At the same time! This way, you keep control over all measured points, lines, and polygons, see immediately whether all required information has been collected and, save it in the personal cloud environment. You can export data for further work or a project meeting, for example to CSV format for Excel or DXF files when you continue working with AutoCAD. Thanks to the self-developed UNI-Cloud API, you can integrate your project data directly with your own software or a preferred app.
Keeping control
marXact’s Rody Duisters, also present during the Vakbeurs Openbare Ruimte on 12 May: “We want to enable professionals to take and keep control and make their work processes easier. That is why we say that you can survey up to 90% of all objects in the (new) public domain. For the remaining 10% you can use the services of a surveyor. There are fewer and fewer surveyors around, their time is therefore scarce, and their agendas fully booked. When you do more yourself, you can use their services for special or challenging assignments. That is a win-win situation for both parties!”