Release Update – March 2022
This is a marXact monthly update for our clients!

As a UNI user, we want to help you to get the most out of your receiver. We hereby send you the Release Update mail for March, and tell you everything about the features and improvements that become available during this month.
We keep you informed about new functions and possibilities, conveniently collected in one comprehensive mailing, and on a monthly basis. In these mailings, we tell about what becomes possible and what improvements have already been implemented. In this edition, we tell you about a number of big projects! Think of the survey tool and the 4G hardware upgrade.
Feel free to forward this e-mail to colleagues who survey with the UNI-GR1 and/or process data in the UNI-Cloud, so that they are also informed of what’s to come or could register for our upcoming Demo Drinks on April 14th.
Team marXact
marXact – marX your Xact position
+31 (0) 70 700 7917 – For more help, see the UNI-Support knowledge base

4GÂ hardware upgrade
In previous Release Updates, we already talked about the 4G hardware upgrade, about the free solution that allows UNI users to continue surveying without any problems. Since the last blog, we have spent a lot of time developing a stable connection between upgrade and UNI, a smooth ordering and logistics process, and many small tasks around this process.
Many ordered upgrades have already been shipped, so users are 4G ready in plenty of time!
Improvements on the test environment
Test, adapt, improve, test, release. Developing new features and possibilities is what we do, so that you profit from your UNI-Solutions even more. In order to release increasingly better features, with little to no bugs, we are in the final phase of building our own improved test environment.
Well, it might seem like this is a project that only we can benefit from, and that’s partly true. Working in such an environment allows us to do as many tests as necessary to develop a solid and stable feature for you. We can then fix and retest any bugs before it is fully launched and you have a new feature during your survey process. In short, our own test environment ensures that you immediately use tested, improved, and released possibilities! How good is that?
We will test new UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) features and possibilities in this environment soon. We will tell you more about this later on.

The ‘back’ of the UNI-Cloud survey tool
We have now completed building the ‘back’ of the survey tool. This function will be added to UNI-Cloud soon, so that you can calculate the length of an (individual) line there, among other things. Also, the calculation of height, the circumference of a circle, volume calculations, and the area of a polygon are integrated as well.
Improving current surveying possibilities
Like every month, we spend the time needed to improve current surveying possibilities. To do this, we fix bugs, make adjustments for even more stable satellite signals, and expand features a bit more.
Much of this work comes from experiences and requests from the field. We listen to that, because your experience matters! This is reflected in, among other things, these adjustments, but also in newly built functions.
Bigger projects
We are working hard on a number of larger projects that could take up to several months, as well. You will receive updates about this later on, but know that we are working very hard and will continue to work for you!

What steps do you need to take?
Not a lot, if we are completely honest with you. All updates are done automatically and while you are out surveying in the field or preparing tasks in the office. You might need to turn your UNI-GR1 off and on again, but only when the update stops unexpectedly. After turning it on again, you are good to go.
More releases coming up
We have more releases coming up next year, including expanding the UNI-Cloud project measuring and editing possibilities, the previously announced UNI-Collect surveying app, and new coordinate reference systems. More on this in future Release Updates!
We will send you a new email full of information about new functions and improvements next month, so that you are able to take full advantage of these new possibilities as well.

As always you can count on our help whenever you need to. Get in touch by telephone using +31 (0) 70 700 7917 whenever you use UNI-Support and/or see the extensive knowledge base for answers to frequently asked questions.
You can also sign up for our Demo Drinks! Our signature event is back and we are able to teach you all about these new features in person on April, 14th.

Win gratis UNI-Cloud toegang!
Are you already familiair with the marXact Photo Contest and the great prizes you can win with it? We offer free access to the UNI-Cloud for the Winners of the Month, the Quarter, and the Year, in addition to being listed on our website and social media channels.
Do you want to win 3 months of free online data storage, receive remote storage, and set your project settings easily in the UNI-Cloud? Send us your photo via WhatsApp (+31707007917) of per mail at before the 19th of every month. You might be the next Winner of the Month! Good luck!

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